MadlyRad can buy you an extra 15 minutes of being on your phone using social media on a school night.
“Say what?” you eagerly ask.
Simple, when your mom comes to say lights out for the night just tell your mom that MadlyRad help kids everywhere; like feeding starving kids in Africa. Mom, I’m helping feed hungry kids, give me another 15 minutes, pretty please!
(please use wisely, not abusing you new found power)
In fact, teen girls spend 4 to 5 hours per day on social media. That’s a lot of ‘girl power’ that can make our world a better place.
“How?” you again eagerly ask.
Simple; companies and organizations that help kids everywhere in the world will be able to use Shayla to set up a ‘Profile Page’ (just like you) and record a short 2 / 3 minute video of how they are helping kids and making the world a better place.
Then you, and other users on MadlyRad, will determine which organizations should receive the most financial help. These organizations will show up on the ‘Trending Company Videos’ page of MadlyRad.