
The Story of an all-girl, five member, band called; ‘Should’a Been a Boy Band ‘. . .
. . . struggle, sweat, man it was hot last summer for summer camp (we meet 6 days a week for 10 to 14 hours a day), hang in there you guys – we’re getting there, no wait two girls just quit – it’s okay we just found one more (a b-boy dancer with huge attitude, no way she quit after two weeks). Are you kidding me. We have worked with over 25 girls so far. Three times we had critical mass of 5 girls all at once (the 1st time we went to 5 Guys Burgers downtown to celebrate – even through pennies into the river like we were in Paris tossing them into the fountain or something). Then it was; her mom is pulling her out, they moved to Orlando, wanted to go to the beach instead of practice, she was just never serious in the first place, the story goes. One of our songwriters/mentors from Nashville, R.C. Bannon (wrote the song, “Reunited and it Feels so Good’) said one day on the phone, ” . . . you should had a boy group; it would have been so much easier with just boys. Thus was born the name, “Should’a Been a Boy Band.”
But, that’s not how Hit Records Worldwide began. The story really started from a summer camp for at-risk, inner-city teen girls aimed at helping break the teen pregnancy cycle and boys don’t get pregnant do they.
These days of the original crew; its Arie-marie pursuing a solo career in gospel, Ari in pop, Dasia R&B, rap. We are building a new band for Shayla; an indie group called “Cargo Planes.”
“Should’a Been a Boy Band” __ just you wait and see!